Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who's that guy?

Who's that guy? Why, that's Jay Leno! You don't recognize him? Oh, the one to the left of Jay? Yup, that's Mike (click on the picture to get see it bigger and you might just recognize him)! 18 years ago. While Mike was serving over in the Persian Gulf in 1990, Jay Leno came to entertain the troops. He stopped for a photo op - grabbed two guys, signed their covers (covers are what civilians-us normal people-call hats) and we lucked out to get copies of the pictures! Cool, huh? And fyi - I have no idea who the other dude is!


The Dixon Gang said...

I think you've shown me this picture before but how fun! I never realized how much Isaac resembles Mike. My sister agreed with me, she thought it was Isaac in the picture :)

Ann said...

Wow! Mike looks so young!